My experience in communication extends beyond the traditional academic setting. I worked in communication for various industries and fulfilled extracurricular roles. Read about my responsibilities for each position and what I learned from these positions.
Marketing Intern
During the summer of 2015, I interned for one month with the Office of University Communications at the University of Southern Mississippi as a marketing intern. I conducted social media research to evaluate the #ChooseUSM campaign and assisted in video concept and production for the campaign. The #ChooseUSM campaign encouraged prospective students to enroll with the university through social media posts and videos. The campaign used various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I evaluated the Instagram and Twitter accounts for USM and counted the amount of retweet and likes the Twitter and Instagram posts received. The Office of University Communications also developed and produced the videos used in the campaign. I assisted in producing a concept for a video that summarized the entire campaign. I enjoyed my tasks as an intern and working with a communications team. My experience with the Office of University Communications confirmed my decision to continue my education in public relations.
Official Facebook profile picture for USM.
Administrative marketing Intern
In June 2016, I began a three month administrative marketing internship with Premier Health Consultants in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As an intern, I created presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint and supported all marketing activities. Premier Health Consultants created a proposal for one of their partner hospitals to open another urgent care center. I created a PowerPoint presentation for the proposal that included information about possible locations for the center and followed the brand standards set by the organization. Along with assisting in administrative duties related to corporate strategy, I supported all marketing events. One of the largest events I assisted with was the Teddy Bear Clinic held at Lake Urgent Care Northshore in Covington, Louisiana. The purpose of the Teddy Bear Clinic was to ease anxieties children may have during a doctor’s appointment. We created promotional items for the event and set up events for the patients waiting on their appointment with the doctor. I discovered several of my areas of interest in communications during my internship, which includes design, healthcare communications and strategy.
One of the tables set up for the Teddy Bear Clinic.
Photo credit: Jennifer Tran |
Digital Communications Intern
I began my roles as digital communications intern for the Environment and Health Council of Louisiana in May 2017. In the previous months, the Board of Directors decided to revamp their online presence and introduce social media as a part of that presence. As an intern, I developed an overall digital communications strategy for the E&HCL that includes strategies for using social media and promoting their annual conference. I update and redesign the website and logo for the organization to contribute to the overall online presence of the council. My other roles as digital communications intern include redesigning the membership brochure, drafting press releases and managing social media accounts.
The official header for the E&HCL
Digital Media Director
I began my role as digital media director for PRSSA at LSU for the 2016-2017 academic year. I maintained and updated the website for PRSSA at LSU and created social media posts for Facebook and Twitter. The biggest challenge I faced as digital media director was maintaining the website. Prior to my leadership position, I had no experience with the platform the website for PRSSA at LSU used. I will admit learning to work with along with fulfilling my other duties as digital media director was difficult at times. However, I worked through the issues to the best of my ability. Eventually, I gained a basic knowledge of the platform and a sense of perseverance as a communicator. A communicator has to adapt to new trends, develop better tactics and learn new skills to enhance their efforts. As digital media director, I created a small social media campaign in an effort to increase membership. My social media posts included testimonials from members of the organizations that encouraged prospective students to join. The public relations director and I also designed and edited the 2016-2017 annual report with applications from Adobe Creative Suite, such as InDesign and Photoshop. I gained experience laying out a large, lengthy document in an advanced design application. The overall concept and production of the report took over three months of planning. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as digital media director for PRSSA at LSU. I worked with a fantastic e-board, developed many new skills and created even more memories.
This graphic represents PRSSA at LSU's membership statistics in January 2017.